Assignment task: Choose one aspect of a young child's thinking discussed in the "How Children Think" section of this week's page...
1. Young children have difficulty distinguishing between pretend and real
2. Young children typically focus on the most dramatic and concrete aspects of a situation
3. Young children usually do not make logical causal connections
4. Young children tend to focus on only one aspect of a situation at a time
5. Young children most commonly think in dichotomous categories
6. Young children are egocentric
7. Young children perceive objects, places and creatures as animated and alive
8. Young children use static reasoning
9. Young children tend to think that things/actions are irreversible
Why did you choose this particular aspect to write about? What are your experiences with this type of thinking? How does it relate to what you have experienced, read about, or heard about in regards to media targeted to young children? In other words, what do you know about the screen media that children are using and how does it take advantage of the limits in a child's ability to think more abstractly...and/ a child's level of thinking?