
Discuss about a successful employer engagement



1 Reflect on constraints and priorities in their career planning and to formulate appropriate professional development strategies.

2. Plan for the successful completion of business projects.

3. Apply the skills and attributes required for successful employer engagement.

Indicative Level attainment

An excellent report will address all aspects of the brief in depth. The report will follow a coherent structure, clearly signposted for the reader. The report will demonstrate a grasp of understanding of each employers' requirements, drawn from evidence from multiple sources.Excellent presentation.Error free.

A satisfactory report will address all aspects of the brief. Evidence of research and some analysis undertaken. Simple conclusions included. Acceptable presentation, possibly a few minor errors in grammar and/or spelling.

A poor report will fail to address all aspects of the brief. There will be minimal evidence of research, other than that gathered from employers' website(s). No analysis or logical conclusions drawn. Poor presentation.Grammatical and spelling errors.

Group Assignment Brief:Employer Requirements


This module provides you with an opportunity to explore in more detail what employers from different sectors/industries are looking for. During the module you will be working in pairs/groups, investigating the skills and attributes employers look for in graduates. You may undertake research into any organisation to which you have access. This could be an organisation you work/have worked for, an organisation friends/family members/placement students work for. Do not rely on gathering all your information from the internet.


This is a group project. You are required to produce a Portfolio which compares and contrasts the requirements of threegraduate employers.

You should use information from the interviews you have conducted with employees of the organisations you have chosen to investigate. It is very likely you will find similarities in what employers want - these will be ‘generic' competencies. The more effectively you undertake your research the easier you will find it to identify the specific distinct requirements employers have. It is this information which will enable you to promote yourself more effectively to the type of employer for whom you want to work.

In recognising this is a resit only module, and numbers may be small, students may elect to undertake this assessment as an individual.

The group report should comprise:

i) a (brief) summary of the three employers (summarise key information - do not cut & paste directly from the website. You may include relevant information in an appendix but do not pad out the assignment unnecessarily)

ii) a table listing the skills/requirements commonly identified as important.

In this section include a report stating why you consider these relevant to the employer, based on your knowledge of the sector/industry (1000 words)

iii) a table listing the skills/requirements specific to each of the three employers

In this section include a report stating why you think each employer has identified these specific requirements as valuable to them. (1000 words)

If all of the employers you spoke to identified exactly the same skills/abilities you should explain why you think this is the case.

iv) Conclusion - what you have learned from this activity in terms of what employers want, and why. (500 words)

v) Your group's project plan, and any documents relating to the group project, for example minutes of meetings, task allocation, interview schedule, questions and notes, team contract etc. For individuals, this would be your individual project plan.

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Other Management: Discuss about a successful employer engagement
Reference No:- TGS01875133

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