
Discuss about a selection in interview

Selection Interview

In order for a selection interview to be valid, the preparation for the interview is crucial. Heretofore, we have studied job analysis (Phillips and Gully). Now you will use that base of knowledge to develop questions for a hypothetical interview. In reviewing Chapter Four, pay particular attention to pp. 105 - 107. This section deals with competency-based job analysis. In producing a competency-based job description, competencies are now identified. In addition, the traditional K,S,A,Os may also be retained on the job description. This has the effect of shifting the focus from qualifications to the behavioral demands of the job.

The type of interview you will prepare for is the competency-based interview (also called a behavioral interview). The textbook covers a similar form of interview, the traditional structured interview, on p. 260. The behavioral interview is covered on pp. 260 – 262. The Webliography has references that describe competency-based HR management. A good reference is: onetonline.org.

First, prepare an original job description. You may choose a job you are familiar with, or you may use an external reference. The job description should contain the following sections:

a. Job Summary

b. Essential duties and Responsibilities

c. Time spent on each dimension/task

d. Job Specifications

e. K,S,A,Os (avoid overlaps with competencies)

f. Competencies

g. Job Context/Work Environment

You must Be sure to use appropriate terminology in preparing the job description.

Write  documents that will prepare the interviewer to conduct the interview. The competency-based interview anticipates that applicants will be able to identify a specific instance where their prior behavior at work or in school demonstrated competency.

The applicant may not know the competencies you are seeking in an employee. It is the interviewer’s task to identify which competency the applicant’s behavior relates to. The interviewer records the applicant’s response according to the following outline:

what was the situation described? What was the task the applicant engaged in? What action did the applicant take in the situation?

What were the results?

Choose two competencies. Prepare questions and hypothetical applicant responses. Now, for each competency you have chosen write two or three hypothetical applicant statements; incidents or experiences related to the interviewer by the applicant. Each statement (treat this as you would a role play).  Finally, make a rating of the statements you have created. Ratings may be made on a Likert Scale (1- low competency; 2 – average competency; 3 – excellent competency).

Alternatively, you may make the rating in the form of a narrative statement.

Your report must contain the following elements:

a. A job description containing the competencies to be measured

b. Hypothetical questions for the applicant

c. Hypothetical applicant responses to interview questions

d. Rating of the applicant on competencies identified

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HR Management: Discuss about a selection in interview
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