
Discuss about a postmodern critical perspective


As you read about DAP this week try on a 'postmodern' critical perspective, keep in mind the following axioms offered by Hatch (2002):

Three basic axioms from postmodern thought are: (1) avoid dividing the complex world into binary oppositions (e.g. right/wrong; black/white; good/bad); (2) judge a policy (movement, theory, law, position statement) by what happens as a result of its implementation, not by its intent; and (3) be suspicious of grand narratives (theories, discourses) that purport to be based on the Truth with a capital T, understanding that multiple truths always exist and that Truth is always a social-political construction related to power. (p. 440)

In addition, consider-and if you see fit, answer-the following questions taken from the same reading: keep in mind what is being asked and why? What is implied in these questions; what can you infer?

• What (and who) gets left out when early childhood practices are presented as either appropriate or inappropriate?

• What have been the outcomes for all children, parents, and teachers of the implementation of the DAP guidelines? (`A1P means from all cultural, socioeconomic, and ability groups.)

• Has the discourse of developmental psychology that dominates the DAP construct limited our understanding of possible ways to work with children and families? (p. 441)


Hatch, A. et. al. (2002). Developmentally appropriate practice: continuing the dialogue. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 439-457

Reading Reflection

Beginning on Session 2, students will write 2-page Reading Responses to the assigned literature for that week. Reading Responses are due at the beginning of class for Sessions 2, 3, 4, and 5.

Prompts will be given for each of the responses. Responses should be typed and proofread (when you are paraphrasing or using any quotes, you must provide citations to avoid plagiarism).


1. Developmentally Appropriate Practice: Continuing the Dialogue

By Craig H Hart

2. Is Developmentally Appropriate Practice for Everyone

By Sally Lubeck

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