
Discuss about-a group became a team


For at least one peer reply, identify a role not already accounted for and assess how the inclusion of that role may affect the team dynamic. An example would be a new hire or transfer from another location. Responses should be a minimum of 100 words and include direct questions and supporting resources. Answer both peers discussions.

Part 1 :

I've never been in an environment where we've had any kind of meetings that went beyond "good job team" or " this is what's changing and this is how it affects you", so this may not fit very well with the topic this week. During my time in call centers the focus wasn't so much around a team as it was on individual performance to meet the goals of the company and to keep your job and in retail it was essentially the same thing. So, I have to look at this from the perspective of fast food instead of putting teams together for meetings, so I had to look at some of the roles differently. Recently at work I have been moved to the day shift by my GM in her attempt to make a solid team during the days. The GM I believe would take a lot of the roles herself, because she reviewed what she needed, she evaluated the performance of the team she put together, she acts as the gatekeeper ensuring everyone is vocal, she keeps the energy high and does what she needs to make sure we're performing how we need to be. She made sure to put people where they are strong and makes adjustments when she needs to. As the team we are all basically contributors, but our contributions come from performance. When Llyod isn't around ( or even when he is sometimes, because he let's me have reign), I act as the leader in the kitchen working the number one which is making the sandwiches, I have Will and Sean who are strong backups covering fryers, sides, hot dogs and grill. We all just play a supporting role to get the job done quickly while still providing quality (or as much quality as you can get from fast food) food.

Part 2:

These are the established responsibilities for my scenario of a time where a group became a team. (The names are not the same as real life).

The inquirer- Ralph

The contributor- Mary

The elaborator- Ken

The reviewer- Jenny

The evaluator- Steph

The energizer- Ben

The gatekeeper- Fred

I was put into a group during culinary school to create a menu for a gourmet dinner to serve a couple of hundred people. There was a area of the world that was the theme for the dinner. All of the sections which was 4 were split up and had to work with other students from different sections. After the teacher had chosen the groups and the themes we were sent out to research and plan. When we all got into our groups there was a little silence and waiting for someone to take charge. Once someone took charge then it got interesting. Ralph starts thinking about what types of food are specific to the region, getting some of the ideas flowing. Then Ken starts changing the ideas from Ralph into new ideas that are spins of what is native. Mary is giving small input based on facts of specific ways that things were cooked in the region before. As all of the ideas start flowing and becoming more finalized Jenny decides to write all the final ideas down and keep the ideas that everyone has agreed on organized. Steph then started to rethink and ask questions based on previous dinners she has done. When things got to off track Ben had gotten everything back to where it needed to be. Fred had been making sure that everyone has contributing to the decisions and being involved during the collaboration. By having the different personalities and roles it kept the conversation on track and moving towards decisions.

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Other Management: Discuss about-a group became a team
Reference No:- TGS01855206

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