
Discuss a technology related ethical issue


A list of Root-Zones

These questions were given as a guide to study from. What would be the correct way to answer these? I guess there is no real right or wrong answer but would like to know how you would solve. Thanks. They are listed below.

1. Discuss a technology related ethical issue. What was the issue? What are some possible outcomes? How can the issue be resolved?

2. Discuss one aspect of the security protection in place at a company. What is it? How does it work? What inconvenience does it cause the user?

3. Identify an Internet-related regulatory issue. Discuss the issue including a description, indicate who are the stakeholders are, identify who will be impacted - and how - by the regulation, etc.

4. Identify an Internet-related productivity issue. Discuss the issue including a description, who the issue impacts, the economic costs, etc.

5. Internet addresses have at least two formats:

Top-Level Domains: These addresses end with three-digit codes such as .edu, .com., etc. There are at least fourteen of these domains.

Root-Zones: These addresses end with two-digit country codes such as .uk (United Kingdom), .us (United States), .fr (Frogs.. er France) etc. (Actually, Root-Zones are a special case of Top-Level domains)

a. Pick Top-Level domain that is of interest and write a paragraph or two about the reason for the domain and the organization responsible administering the domain. Proposed domains can be used for your answer.

b. Locate a list of Root-Zones and choose a country code. Please share the Root-Zone country code and what is interesting about it.

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Other Subject: Discuss a technology related ethical issue
Reference No:- TGS01936114

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