Create a 1,750- to 2,100-word research project detailing one of the following career choice:
o Computer engineer (software or hardware)
Your research should provide insight into this career field for a population of high school seniors. Your research will potentially be published in an online careers magazine.
Ensure your research includes the following elements:
o A short proposal that includes:
• What you are proposing to write about
• Your background and how it has led you to pursue this type of career
• The specific elements of the career you will focus on in your final project (This may include salary, job requirements, physical labor, and other characteristics of the job.)
• The benefits of having this job
• Anything you hope to learn more about through your research
o A graphic (such as an image, a diagram, or a screen shot)
o A short summary of how you would present the information if you could give a presentation to a live audience (keep in mind your audience's age)
o At least three outside sources, including a Web site, a journal, and a magazine or newspaper (cited properly in APA format)
o A set of instructions of the steps to take to get into the career
o Good use of design, white space, and other visual elements