Discuss the following:
Planning and Preparation Reduces Repair and Repentence
Create a paper responding to the following prompts. The paper must be sufficient in length to fully address the question(s) presented, double spaced, written at the college level, adhere to APA guidelines, and include a reference list. Any sources used should be cited properly using in-text citations and referenced at the end of the paper.
First read the list of short term orientation perspectives. Create one paragraph of all the perspectives you react to as a positive statement. In this paragraph state, in at least two sentences, why these are positive terms for you and connect your conclusion to your culture. In the next paragraph place those words from this short term orientation list that you react to negatively and connect your conclusion to your culture. In this paragraph also state in at least 2 sentences why these are negative terms for you. If there are words for which you have no reaction then create a third paragraph and state why you think based on your culture they have neither a negative or positive meaning for you.
short term orientation perspectives
Service to others
Proud of my country
Tradition is important
Family pride
Mothers influence daughters sense of beauty
Students attribute success and failure to luck
Esker math and science skills
Talent for theoretical abstract sciences
Slow or no economic growth
Small savings
Little money for investment
Investment in mutual funds
Appeal of fundamentalism
Appeal of folk wisdom and witchcraft
Next review the list of long term orientation perspectives. Create one paragraph of all the perspectives you react to as a positive statement. In this paragraph state, in at least two sentences, why these are positive terms for you and connect your conclusion to your culture. In the next paragraph place those words from this long term orientation list that you react to negatively and connect your conclusion to your culture. In this paragraph also state in at least two sentences why these are negative terms for you.
Long term orientation perspectives
Children should learn to save money and things
Learn from other countries
Children should learn to persevere
Family pragmatism
Daughters ideas of beauty are independent of mothers’ ideas
Students attribute success to effort and failure to lack of it.
Better math and science skills
Talent for applied concrete sciences
Fast economic growth
Large savings funds available for investment
Investment in real estate
Appeal of pragmatism
Appeal of knowledge and education