
Discuss a safety message is appropriate for circumstances


The final product is a single list of SMART objectives that cover the first six hours of the incident. This should be labeled as FINAL INCIDENT OBJECTIVES and posted in the Group Discussion. It should be virtually signed by all incident commanders by responding to the post that they agree with the objectives.

List these objectives and complete the other items individually on the ICS-202 Form. Complete all other relevant information on the ICS-202 form. Consider and complete a safety message that is appropriate for the circumstances (This would be completed by the Safety Officer after assessing risks to personnel).


For this task you will be assess for your completion of the ICS-202 form and substantive participation in the discussion of incident objectives


SMART Fire incident objectives in San Francisco

Following the fire incident on the coast of San Francisco there some measures that will be taken by the emergency incident responder on the ground that will set objectives that are consistent with the priorities gauged on the ground considering the place carries a capacity of thousands of people. The thermal pulse is likely to cause too much damage and within seconds people will die because of the spread of fire in the next 24 hours. S: Evacuation of all the people in the area that the fire has not reached should be executed immediately within this minute to prevent more damage. This objective is what should be done because the lives of the people are a priority in this case, (Cheng, et.al, 2017).

M: 5,000 jets have been sent on the coast of San Francisco to transport the people being evacuated including the injured people. This objective is important in this case because the progress in achieving the directive should be pursued, (Cheng, et.al, 2017). A: A number of jets have been seen departing the shore with more than 100,000 people and there are more planes to come. This shows that there is action being taken that describes the expected accomplishment of the situation. T: The evacuation of the people should be achieved in the next 6 hours to save more lives as possible. This ensures that there is immediate action that does not lead to delays that can cause more damage and loss of people considering the impact of the radiation from the fall out has significant impact on their health hence need to get them from the place.


The Fire Department that was assigned to respond to the situation at hand in San Francisco and life safety was their priority in this case. They a have a crucial role to play in an event of a hazardous situation which means that the team was well trained about fire blasts and explosions. They could not control the ignition of the fire and therefore the only thing they could do was to save as many lives as possible, (Nunavath, et.al, 2016). Fire responders always work strategically and quickly in a situation where a fire can escalate causing more damage and controlling the threat may pose a challenge. They did all they could to minimize the loss of lives by evacuating all the people from buildings. Although, the blast had a huge impact on the shore leading to many people dying, they took the initiative of trying to save the remaining lives.

The resources used in the fire incident were not entirely available in our Fire Department; the jets were provided by other fire departments and the federal government who had a major role to play in the incident also sort for help. The department has not handled such as event of thousands of people. We lack financing of more jets in the fire department and should be strengthened to increase efficiency, (Jensen & Thompson, 2016). We need resources that can support the operations of the department at all times to save more lives as that is our primary goal of the fire service. Mitigation of risks can be enhanced by providing public education about the dangers of missiles and explosives.


Cheng, M. Y., Chiu, K. C., Hsieh, Y. M., Yang, I. T., Chou, J. S., & Wu, Y. W. (2017). BIM integrated smart monitoring technique for building fire prevention and disaster relief. Automation in Construction, 84, 14-30.

Jensen, J., & Thompson, S. (2016). The incident command system: a literature review. Disasters, 40(1), 158-182.

Nunavath, V., Prinz, A., & Comes, T. (2016). Identifying first responders information needs: supporting search and rescue operations for fire emergency response. International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (IJISCRAM), 8(1), 25-46.

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Business Law and Ethics: Discuss a safety message is appropriate for circumstances
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