
Discuss a problem-solving process


Required text

1. Review the following chapters in the text, Working with people: The helping process:

o Chapter 7: Using the Basic Problem-Solving Process

o Chapter 8: Developing an Eclectic Approach to Practice


1. Emlyn-Jones, R. (2007). Think about it till it hurts: Targeting intensive services to facilitate behavior change-two examples from the field of substance abuse.CriminalBehaviour and Mental Health, 17(4), 234-241. Retrieved from the Academic Search Premier database.

2. Tedrick-Parikh, S.J., &Wachter-Morris, C.A. (2011). Integrating crisis theory and individual psychology: An application and case study. Journal of Individual Psychology, 67(4), 364-379. Retrieved from the Academic Search Premier database.

Recommended Resource


1. National Association of Social Workers. (2013). Essential steps for ethical problem-solving. Retrieved from


Discuss in a 250-300 words for each:

1. The Problem-Solving Process

In what arenas or venues do you see ethnic diversity interfere with the Problem-Solving Process? What are the factors driving this tension and what techniques can be used to avoid intensifying the issue? Respond to at least two of your classmates' posts.

2. Theory Models Applied

What situations have you witnessed or experienced where one or more of the theory models in this chapter could have been applied? What would have been the strengths and weaknesses of two of the models? Why?

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