
Discuss a newtons on the rock

Discuss the below:

(1) Evil Kneivel rides his motorcycle off the rim of the Snake River Canyon at a horizontal velocity of 52 meters per second. How far away from the edge will he have traveled in 0.29 seconds? NOTE: Assume he does not hit bottom.

(2) Evil Kneivel rides his motorcycle off the rim of the Snake River Canyon at a horizontal velocity of 54 meters per second. How far has he dropped (meters) into the canyon in 1.48 seconds? NOTE: assume he does not hit bottom.

(3) If you throw a 44 kg rock off of a cliff, how fast does it accelerate to the ground? The earth exerts a force of 200 Newtons on the rock. (Newton = kg over meter per second^2)

(4) A book slides off a table top with a speed of 15 meters per second. It strikes the floor in 0.56 seconds. How tall was the table (in meters)?

(5) A potato gun shoots a potato horizontally from a height of 6 feet. How long does it take to hit the ground?

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Physics: Discuss a newtons on the rock
Reference No:- TGS01883611

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