
Discuss a modern way of looking at feudalism


Please choose one of the following questions, and post your response of a minimum of 150 words. Be sure that your comments are original, thoughtful, and well developed. This discussion will be open for the whole course, so check back frequently:

1) Consider a modern way of looking at Feudalism and then post a comparison of that social system to the hierarchy of a modern corporation. A good way to look at this topic would be to compare the Feudal system versus a fast food company (still existing or one that may be closed by now). Please try to use an existing corporation or company and avoid just discussing a general example of any kind of company. Is Feudalism still alive because of this comparison? What does that mean for the bottom level of workers?

2) Do you think the aspect of Courtly Love still exists in our popular culture today (media, movies, television shows, songs, etc.)? If so, please support your response with an example from the Medieval period (textbook or outside source) and if yes, provide an example from our modern world where you think this applies. If you feel it does not exist, please provide 2 examples from the Medieval period that show it is not in our modern world. NOTE: You must research and cite a source BEYOND your eText.

3) Go to Physics of Stone Arches and see if you can construct an arch for a Medieval Cathedral without it collapsing. Share with the class what you discovered through this exercise. What worked? What didn't? Can you suggest ways to improve on the design? Discuss.

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History: Discuss a modern way of looking at feudalism
Reference No:- TGS03179775

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