
Discuss a mini case study

Discuss the following in 500 words:

Q: Assuming that his reading of the relevant language is accurate and that there is nothing else in writing concerning vacation pay, is he entitled to what he is requesting, or is he not? 

1. "If there had been no labor unions in this country in the past 35 years or so. the growth of employee benefits would per¬haps have been only a small fraction of what it has actually been." Discuss.

2. "It is not the business of the government to protect employee pension interests. ERISA is a classic example of unjustified governmental intervention in private employer-employee matters." Comment fully.

3. "Vacations and holidays are far more important for what they do in the way of job security than for what they do in the area of leisure time." Does this statement seem valid to you? Why or why not?

4. Which set of arguments as expressed in this chapter's sec-tion on pensions carries more weight with you: the case for contributory plans or the case against them?

5. "SUB plans of the type negotiated in the automobile and steel sectors are wh discourage
emplo e incentive to work, replace compensation systems, discriminate against the worker not represented by a union, place an undetermined but intolerable burden on management, are financially unsound, and can actually cause permanent unemploy¬ment among some workers." In the light of your under¬standing of the character of these SUB plans, evaluate this statement.

6. If you could participate in only one kind of pension plan, which would you prefer to have for yourself throughout your career: a defined benefit plan or a defined contribution plan? Why?

7. Should employee health benefits be financed exclusively by employers? Why or why not?

8. Does a power failure resulting from faulty maintenance relieve the employer of the need to pay reporting pay when the contract excuses the employer if the failure to provide the control of management..? Explain.

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Case Study: Discuss a mini case study
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