Discuss the following situation and you must follow APA format:
Leadership Styles
Students should be able to identify different leadership styles; to differentiate among these styles; and to illustrate behaviors associated with these styles.
Read all the three tasks carefully.After each, write down a typical laissez-faire, democratic, and autocratic response to that particular situation. (When you are finished, you should have three laissez-faire responses, three democratic responses, and three autocratic responses—one of each for each situation.)
Task 1
You have been meeting with a student-faculty committee that is charged with finding a musical group for the annual homecoming celebration. The group has expressed a variety of different suggestions, and littleagreement has been apparent. You are now within one week of the term’s conclusion, and a decision must be made before the term is over. You have been meeting for nearly two hours, and everyone is expressing frustration and anger. You are the leader of the group. Write down a laissez-faire response, a democratic response, and an autocratic response.
Task 2
You are in a study group. One group member is a real clown and keeps the group entertained. However, he or she also tends to distract the group from its purpose, and at least two of the other group members are beginning to be offended by this person’s behavior. Write down a laissez-faire response, a democratic response, and an autocratic response.
Task 3
You are in a self-help group. One group member dominates the discussion each time you meet. This person seems to feel that his or her problems are more important than anyone else’s. Every time another group member discusses his or her problems, the dominator offers a minimal transition, such as, “I know how you feel—that happened to me, too,” and then begins to talk about him/herself. You are the leader of the group. Write down a laissez-faire response, a democratic response, and an autocratic response.