Discuss a cultural profile template

Group Portion:

Today, your manager reveals that you will be working with other employees to help organize all the information regarding the potential countries in which to expand. He explains to you that the group assignment/project requires the making of a template that the company will use to display valuable information regarding the prospective countries.

The first step in this project is to prepare/discuss a cultural profile template for all students to use regardless of the host country chosen using the Small Group Discussion Board. Each member should submit his or her own ideas, but the cultural profile template should be chosen by consensus.

The cultural profile should be developed so that each user can search for, present, and analyze the same types of information. As an example, your cultural profile might include sections on Hofstede's and Trompenaar's variables, key host country historical events, primary religious practices and business implications, and so forth. It will be up to the group to determine the appropriate sections, subsections, and specific content to be included in the profile. The profile should include at least 3 sections (2 subsections per section) and 2–3 specific bullets per subsection. The team members can try to find existing cultural profiles as examples and then make up their own cultural profile as they see fit.

As an example, one section of your template might look like the following:

Host country:

Bullet 1:
Bullet 2:

For the Group Portion of the project, you are required to submit a cultural profile template consisting of 800 to 1,200 words in which your group utilizes the Small Group Discussion Board and prepares a cultural profile template for all students to use regardless of the host country chosen.

For full credit, the group must implement the following in the template:

• Include sections on Hofstede's and Trompenaar's variables.

• Include key historical events.

• Include primary religious practices.

• Include business implications.

• The template must include 3 sections, 2 subsections per section, and 3 specific bullet points per subsection.

• The template must clearly identify the country, the section, the subsection, and bullet points.

• Explain why you chose the particular section, subsection, and bullets for the cultural profile.

I selected the one in read.

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Other Management: Discuss a cultural profile template
Reference No:- TGS01446086

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