
Discuss a creation of a regional organization

Discuss the below:

Review an international economics by Robert J.carbaugh

1 Multinational firms like Nike and Reebok by establishing their main business operations in developing countries are profiting millions of dollars by taking advantage of the extreme low wage and primitive work conditions that exist in many developing countries. On the other hand, these firms are also generating significant income as well as employment opportunities for the local people in the host countries. Argue about the

ethics of such business practices by taking an unbiased position.

a. Assess if the work conditions provided by Nike and Reebok globally are acceptable in modern times.

b. Do you think MNC such Nike and Reebok violate human rights by offering lower wages for workers? If what is the alternative.

c. What should be the acceptable and balanced action Nike and Reebok need to follow?  1-2 pages length

2 Argue why the creation of a regional organization such as the EU is both supplement and a disruption to the liberalization of trade Policies. 1 page length

3 Assess the benefits of NAFTA for the member countries and argue why the benefits achieved could be unequal to each member country1 page length

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Other Management: Discuss a creation of a regional organization
Reference No:- TGS01947167

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