
Discuss a contrary position an effective refutation



To address the requirements of this assignment successfully, you must take a position on the issue discussed and construct an argument in support of that position in order to further the discussion. You must also discuss a contrary position to your point of view, and then argue against that contrary position by constructing an effective refutation. Although both positions must be present in your paper, you must maintain a clear focus in support of your own position. Your task is to choose an issue that we encounter in society and construct an academic argument in response to this issue.

Evaluation criteria: Your goals in this assignment are to do the following:

• construct a thesis which clearly presents your position;

• summarize your position on this issue;

• support your position with specific examples and details;

• organize your paper effectively to help your readers see the connections you are making and to emphasize important points;

• present an opposing viewpoint by accurately and fairly summarizing the points made by those who disagree with your position;

• refute an opposing viewpoint effectively by evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of both sides of the argument and responding to the opposition's points;

• express your ideas in Standard English and in accordance with academic conventions.

Choose one of the topic options from the following website: https:llwww.intelligencesquaredus.org/

Specific Formatting Requirements of the Paper:

1. Word length-at least 1000 words;

2. All papers should be typed using 12 point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, and stapled. No title pages or folders, please. Simply type your name and the course information (see below) at the top of the left margin on your first page of your paper, and give the essay a title, which should be centered about the first paragraph.

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Microeconomics: Discuss a contrary position an effective refutation
Reference No:- TGS01941375

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