
Discuss a communications-based career

Assessment brief Press Release PR, Communication

Create a 700 words:

You will be writing a release about an imaginary new class on offer at Richmond the International American University in London from September 2018.

The press release must have a headline, date and contact details. The sell-in must be written as an email to a specific person and it must have an engaging subject line. Notes to editors must be included; word length at your discretion. You must also include the name of a mainstream media outlet that you will target with your press release

RAIUL is launching an important (imaginary) new class as part of its Communications, Marketing and PR undergraduate degree, designed to prepare the next generation of communicators to join and excel in the workplace.
This mandatory class will cover effective use of the telephone, face-to-face communication, self-presentations, networking and interview techniques.

It is believed to be the first of its kind.

The new (imaginary) class will complement existing undergraduate courses, such as PR and Self Presentation, Introduction to Advertising Practice and Senior Project in Communications. It will be of direct use and relevance to internships, post graduate studies and, of course, getting a job.

Quotes are available from Prof Simon Goldsworthy on Blackboard


• "This is an exciting new development which will put Richmond's students ahead of the game. The skills taught in our new course are among the important things that top employers are looking for, but they are sometimes lost sight of in higher education. We will be putting interpersonal communication where it belongs, at the heart of our teaching.

• "As our dean often remarks Richmond students are very good at writing, but it is important not to lose sight of the essential role of good oral communication, whether in person or via the phone. We spend more and more time using mobiles and laptops to the point that we are in danger of forgetting the fundamental importance of being able to talk to people - being able to relate to people as people rather than via a screen of some sort. When our students go into the outside world and realise what is demanded of everyone in a communications-based career, it tends to hit them like a brick wall in the face."

• "We have launched this course to give students the practical skills they need to succeed."

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Marketing Management: Discuss a communications-based career
Reference No:- TGS01949583

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