Discuss a case or instance of Groupthink that happened at your workplace or in a big corporation that resembles one or two of the symptoms Irving Janus identified. As articulated by Janis, Groupthink has eight symptoms that he puts in three groups:
Type I. Overestimation of the Group
1. Illusion of Invulnerability
2. Belief in Inherent Morality of the Group
Type II. Closed-Mindedness
3. Collective Rationalizations
4. Stereotypes of Out-Groups
Type III. Pressures Toward Uniformity
5. Self-Censorship
6. Illusion of Unanimity
7. Direct Pressure on Dissenters
8. Self-Appointed Mind guards
What countermeasures would you suggest to prevent such a Groupthink in future?
Essential points:
Length : 1000 words.
Paper should be about 3 pages long; A4/Standard Letter size, 12 pt. font, double spaced.
In short papers like these you need to discuss issues to the point, while developing and explaining your own ideas and reactions. Organization and focus are essential to a short paper.