
Discuss a brief statement about the stock history

FORMAT: This paper should be double spaced, using correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation. There should be the following sections in the paper:

At the beginning of the paper, state your investment strategy and why you chose this strategy. All decisions made in the remainder of this project should be based on your investment strategy. The three strategies are:

1. Income - You are looking to supplement your income by producing income on your stock or funds. Look for stock or funds that pay dividends on a regular basis. Income stocks/funds are often a wise investment for older investors, as they wish to supplement retirement income.

2. Growth - you are looking to hold on to the stock, giving it time to grow. You would then sell the stock at, hopefully, a profit. Growth stocks/funds are often a wise investment for young investors, as they have time to let the stock/funds grow.

3. Both - a combination of the two.


Choose stock in two publicly traded companies which are traded on either the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange, or NASDAQ. Your two stock choices should meet your investment strategy chosen above. State why you chose the stock in these companies, using sound investment reasons discussed as discussed in the course.in the course. (Note: Because I shop there, or because I eat there, or my friend suggested it, etc., are not sound investment reasons.)

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For each stock, include

• The name of the company in whose stock you are purchasing

• why you chose this stock and how it meets your strategy

• the stock symbol on the exchange ,

• a description of the company

• the name and a brief background of the CEO

• a brief statement about the stock history for the past year

• the current price of the stock

• how that price today compares to the price a year ago

• if the stock pays dividends, how much is paid and how often

• research on an internal or external issue which has affected the company's stock (see paragraph below)  and

• a list of all resources used (may use url if online sources)

Internal vs. External issues: Research the news both past and present and find at least one item in the news about the company that has either currently or in the past affected the value of the company's stock and identify the one situation as either internal or external.
Internal issues which affected the value of the company's stock are caused by the company itself and only affect the company. Some examples of internal issues are: Firing or hiring new leaders; marketing a new produce; relocating; buying up another company; citations for safety or health in which the company knew of the violations; new advertisements developed by the company or successful or a bust; etc.
External issues are caused by occurrences outside of the company and affected the value of the company's stock. Examples of external issues are: Competitor markets a new product which draws sales from the company's product; major storm destroys the company's factory; price of oil goes up or down which affects shipping and delivery prices; competitor launches a major new effective ad campaign; economy goes into a recession; etc.


Your two mutual fund choices should meet your investment strategy chosen above. State sound investment reasons for choosing the two mutual funds.
For each mutual fund, include

• the name of the mutual fund ,

• why you chose this mutual fund and how it meets your strategy ,

• a description of the fund ,

• the objective of the fund ,

• the name and a brief background of the fund's administrator ,

• a brief statement about the fund's history for the past year ,

• the current Net Asset Value (sometimes called the price) for the fund

• how that Net Asset Value compares to one year ago ,

• if the fund is rated , give its rating , and

• a list of all resources used (may use url if an online source)


Write a closing paragraph (conclusion) stating what you have learned about investing in stocks or mutual funds from completing this report.

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Marketing Management: Discuss a brief statement about the stock history
Reference No:- TGS01755813

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