Recall that a point z0 is an accumulation point of a set S if each deleted neighborhood of z0 contains at least one point in S.
One form of the Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem can be stated as follows:
An infinite set of points lying in a closed bounded region R has at least one accumulation point in R.
Theorem 1:
Given a function f and a point z0, suppose that:
a) f is analytic at z0
b) f(z0) = 0 but f(z) is not identically equal to zero in any neighborhood of z0.
Then f(z) does not equal 0 throughout some deleted neighborhood 0<|z - z0|< epsilon of z0.
Using the Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem and Theorem 1, prove that if a function f is analytic in a region R consisting of all points inside and on a simple closed contour C (except possibly poles inside C) and if all the zeros of f in R are interior to C and are of finite order, then those zeros must be finite in number.