
Discuss 2-3 similarities that our current american society

Pick 1 of the following options 250-500 word essay (do not about both topics, choose only 1):

Option 1: Discuss 2-3 similarities that our current American society shares with ancient Rome. These similarities can be artistic, architectural, political, ideological, or religious, but be sure to include specific details and examples in your discussion. You may use material from the book, but I want to know your feelings and beliefs on the matter.

Option 2: Discuss your attitude toward censorship in art. Should a governing body or religious institution be able to tell artists what they can and cannot do in their art? Should artists have the freedom to do anything-and I mean anything-they wish as long as it's "for their art"? You may use material from the book, but I want to know your feelings and beliefs on the matter. I am not looking for particular "correct" answers; instead, you will receive credit for the effort you put into your answer, as well as the evidence of your understanding of the material.

*Organize your essay clearly. Essays such as this should be divided into at least three separate paragraphs:

1. An introduction with a thesis statement (last sentence)

2. At least one body paragraph

3. A conclusion

 Do not turn in an essay made up of one long paragraph.

*Format your paper according to MLA 8th edition guidelines

*Use 3rd-Person References only. Avoid using forms of the pronouns I and you; instead, emphasize nouns.

*Other Stipulations. Your essay may be graded as long as...

  • It corresponds with all of these assignment instructions
  • It is submitted on schedule in keeping with the course makeup policy
  • It is submitted as an attachment in the drop box labeled "Submit Essay 2 Final Draft"
  • It avoids n>plagiarism in any form or to any degree
  • It avoids excessive proofreading errors

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Finance Basics: Discuss 2-3 similarities that our current american society
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