
Discuss 2-3 relationships in augustines life as described


Write a 900-1200 word essay (approximately three-pages, double-spaced, in 12 point font) in which you answer only ONE of the following topics based on Augustine's Confessions:

Relationships: Discuss 2-3 relationships in Augustine's life as described in the Confessions, and argue whether Augustine believes these relationships led him towards God, away from God, or a bit of both. Relationships to consider include his parents (especially Monica), his friends, and religious leaders (such as Faustus or Ambrose).

State a clear, strong thesis statement(s) in your essay's introduction. Make sure it states: 1. your response to the prompt for your particular topic and 2. The textual evidence you are about to discuss to support this argument. In other words, tell me clearly in the first paragraph where you are going for your discussion.

It is essential that you cite (see directions below) at least six specific examples from the assigned reading to support each of your points in your discussion. Remember that even paraphrases should be cited! This is an exercise in critical reading and writing, so make sure your explanations of your citations are accurate to the context.


Please cite parenthetically the page number(s) at the end of the sentence. No additional information or formal bibliography is required. Example: As Augustine writes at the beginning of the Confessions, "our heart is restless until it rests in you".

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Other Subject: Discuss 2-3 relationships in augustines life as described
Reference No:- TGS02501902

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