Logistic and Politics
Discuss how the UPS facilitates the passage of its customers' goods through customs, and helps them comply with other trade restrictions. Make full use of relevant sources.
• Don't write in checklist form. Integrate the information you find into a well-constructed essay.
• There is no page requirement. Write what you need to write, neither more nor less.
Sources might help...
AFGI (2011). 5 Reasons Americans should oppose free trade. Retrieved on 18 March 2015 fromhttps://afgj.org/5-reasons-americans-should-oppose-free-trade
Driskill, R. (2007). Deconstructing the argument for free trade (Vanderbilt Univ. working paper). Retrieved on 19 March 2015 fromhttps://www.vanderbilt.edu/econ/faculty/Driskill/DeconstructingfreetradeAug27a2007.pdf
FedEx (2015). Understanding duties and taxes. Retrieved on 19 March 2015 fromhttps://www.canadacustomer.fedex.com/ca_english/customsguide/understanddutytax.html
Grainger, A. (2007). Customs and trade facilitation: From concepts to implementation. World Customs Journal, 2(1): 17-30. Retrieved on 19 March 2015 from
Hanson, D; Batten, D; & Harrison, E. (2013). It's time to end the senseless embargo of Cuba (Forbes Opinion; 16 Jan). Retrieved on 19 Mar 2015 fromhttps://www.forbes.com/sites/realspin/2013/01/16/its-time-for-the-u-s-to-end-its-senseless-embargo-of-cuba/
MacLean, W. & Blanchard, B. (2013). Exclusive: Chinese trader accused of busting Iran missile embargo. (Reuters, 1 Mar). Retrieved on 19 March 2015 fromhttps://www.reuters.com/article/2013/03/01/us-china-iran-trader-idUSBRE9200BI20130301
Palmer, B. (2013). Is there anything left to sanction in North Korea? (Slate: 23 Jan). Retrieved on 18 March 2015 fromhttps://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/explainer/2013/01/north_korean_trade_restrictions_is_there_anything_left_for_the_u_s_or_u.html
Pearson (2015). Infoplease: The argument for free trade. Retrieved on 18 March 2015 fromhttps://www.infoplease.com/cig/economics/argument-free-trade.html