
Discrimination in the american workplace


Question 1. Notre Dame did not hire an African-American coach in any sport until

Question 2. Historically, most discrimination in the American workplace has focused on

Question 3. Kant would hold that discriminating on the basis of race or sex was immoral because it

Question 4. How many respectable arguments are there in favor of racial and sexual discrimination?

Question 5. What is more important in predicting who will be fired from a job with the federal government?

Question 6. Who has the highest standard of living in the world, according to the U.N.?

Question 7. What percentage of working African Americans hold white collar jobs?

Question 8. Black workers with an advanced degree earn how much less that their white counterparts?

Question 9. Women are clustered in

Question 10. The first African American CEO of a Fortune 500 company was hired in

Question 11. In finance, how many cents do women make for every dollar earned by men?

Question 12. Which Title of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits sexual and racial discrimination at work?

Question 13. How many male minority executives in large companies report feeling constrained by the white male model?

Question 14. Edward W. Jones holds that all people

Question 15. According to Edward W. Jones, stereotypes are powerful because of their

Question 16. Which court case decided that racially segregated schooling was unconstitutional?

Question 17. When was the Equal Pay Act passed?

Question 18. What started the change towards laws that attempt to safeguard the right of each person to equal treatment in employment?

Question 19. What programs are designed to correct imbalances in employment that exist directly as a result of past discriminations?

Question 20. What proportion of persons entering the workforce today are minorities or immigrants?

Question 21. The U.S. Supreme Court's first major ruling on affirmative action was in

Question 22. In Memphis Firefights v. Stotts the Supreme Court upheld

Question 23. In her majority opinion in Grutter v. Bollinger Justice O'Connor wrote that race-conscious admissions policies must be

Question 24. Critics of affirmative action often label it

Question 25. Do you believe that affirmative action is morally acceptable? Do you believe that it is morally required? In answering this question you should make sure to differentiate between a practice's being acceptable and its being required. You should also take care to address the "Point" and "Counterpoint" arguments that have been developed by Shaw in this Chapter, making sure as you do so that you expand the discussion beyond that provided by Shaw, arguing for your own view of the matter.

Question 26. Do you think that offers can be coercive? In answering this question you should carefully explain what you take the hallmarks of coercion to be, and explain how these could, or could not, be characteristic of certain offers. How is your answer to this question relevant to issues involving discrimination in the workplace?

Question 27. How might affirmative action programs interact with the apparent circularity of stereotyping? Does your answer to this question show that (a) persons have a moral responsibility to identify and overcome their own biases, and (b) that affirmative action programs are self-defeating? How do your answers to (a) and (b) relate to each other?

Question 28. Do you believe that it is morally permissible to require legally companies to implement affirmative action programs? How would (a) Rawls, (b) Nozick respond?

Question 29. If it is true that large corporations find that diversity benefits the bottom line is there any need for laws that aim to achieve diversity in the workplace? In addressing this question you should consider whether companies would diversify at a greater pace if legally required to, whether or not laws and necessarily coercive, and whether the use of coercive laws could be justified to right wrongs more quickly than they would have otherwise been righted.

Question 30. Do you believe that Adam Smith's "invisible hand" of the market place would lead to diversity in the workplace? If so, how? If not, why not? What do your answers to these questions tell you about (a) the limits of the "invisible hand", and (b) the legitimate scope of the law?

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Business Management: Discrimination in the american workplace
Reference No:- TGS01816310

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