
Discovers the forgeries


Hoppy steals two checks from Eagle Retail Stores, Inc.-a blank check and a check payable to the order of General Supplies Company (GSC), drawn on Eagle's account with First National Bank. Hoppy forges Eagle's signa­ture on the blank check and makes it payable to himself. Hoppy forges GSC's indorsement on the back of the check payable to GSC, and adds "Pay to the order of Hoppy." At Friendly Credit, Inc., Hoppy indorses the back of both checks with his own name and gives them to Friendly for cash. Friendly does not know about the theft or the forged signatures and presents the checks to First National, which pays them. Eagle, which was not negli­gent, discovers the forgeries and asks First National to re-credit its ac­count. Who suffers the loss on each check?

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Reference No:- TGS03371548

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