Discovering bible-story and faith of biblical communities

Reading Reflection:

1. Read three chapters (Ch. 23-25) (Pg.329-363) from the textbook: Discovering the Bible:  Story and Faith of the Biblical Communities.

2. Then, do the two parts listed below.

3. Do not post this reflection until you have completed the assigned reading.

Part  1. Specify which three chapters you read (Ch. 23-25) (Pg.329-363). Then, submit 250 words or more of substantive reaction/reflection response to your reading. It will help our discussion if you will mention a specific detail or quote (including page numbers) from the reading.  That gives people a focal point for writing response posts to your submission. Here are some questions to get you going (although you need not respond directly to all or even any of these):

1. What did you learn?  What do you know now that you didn’t know before?

2. What did you feel as you read?

3. Did you wind up sharing any of this with someone else?

4. Did it challenge some assumptions you held?

5. Did it confirm something you have been thinking about for a while?

6. Was there a phrase that grabbed your attention and has remained impressed in your mind?

Part  2. “Question to consider” (What are justification and sanctification?) found in chapter 24 of the reading this week. (Pg. 341-351)  Write a response to this question in your reaction/reflection post (re-state the question in your post).

Apply APA format consistently, especially in the use of citations.

Grading rubric:

1. Does the reflection meet minimum length?

2. Does the reflection show genuine interaction with actual textbook content (as opposed to just being very loosely associated comments)?

3. Is it acceptable college-level writing?

4. Is the APA format followed?.

5. Are the following items included in the submission:

1. Identification of which chapters were read
2. A clear affirmation that 100% of the chosen chapters were read
3.”Question to Consider” is stated in the submission and an answer is given

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Other Subject: Discovering bible-story and faith of biblical communities
Reference No:- TGS01435821

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