
Discovering authentic leadership


Locate and share a current resource (article) which demonstrates a leader or leadership who is effectively (or ineffectively) dealing with change within an organization.

Discuss the event in detail and the leader's actions and responses. How did the leader demonstrate effective change leadership? Discuss why the leader's actions and responses demonstrate effective/ineffective leadership. If you are presenting a case of ineffective leadership, tell how you would handle it differently if you were in the leadership role.

Be sure to make appropriate reference to the scholarly literature.


Kegan & Lahey (2009) Abrashoff, D.M. (revised 2012). It's Your Ship: Management Techniques from the Best Damn Ship in the Navy. Business Plus. ISBN-13: 978-145552302

Kegan, R. & Lahey, L.L. (2009). Immunity to Change: How to Overcome it and Unlock the Potential in Yourself and Your Organization. Boston: Harvard Business Press. ISBN 978-1-4221-1736-1

George, B., Sims, P., McLean, A. & Mayer, D. (2007). "Discovering Your Authentic Leadership". Harvard Business Review. Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing. Reprint Number R0702H.

Goleman, D. (2000). "What Makes a Leader?" Harvard Business Review. Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing. Reprint Number R0401H.

Goleman, D., Boyatzis, R. (2008). "Social Intelligence & the Biology of Leadership". Harvard Business Review. Boston: Harvard Business School publishing. Reprint Number R0809E.

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