
Discover your personality type

Assignment task:

Discussion Post 1:

Take the test: Discover your personality type. While this survey is informative and useful, it isn't grounded in scientific methodology. Consider this when applying results.

Analyze your results. Explain if you believe the results accurately describe you and why. Look over the sections on Career Choice, Communication Skills, and Behavior under Stress for your personality type. Do they describe you? And for fun, there is a link to famous people or fictional characters that share your personality type. If there is one on the list that you think acts most like you, let us know. Need Assignment Help?

Discussion Post 2:

You acquired perspective about your personality type. Now it is time to learn about your leadership style. Take the test: What's Your Leadership Style?

The survey offers valuable perspectives, but it doesn't meet scientific standards for reliability and validity; interpret results with discretion.

Analyze your results. Explain if you think the results accurately describe you and why. If you think you should be in another category, explain why.

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Other Subject: Discover your personality type
Reference No:- TGS03445885

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