
Disclosureofhivaidsstatusincertainprofessions and

Select a current HIV/STI global issue that has both pro and con positions. Research it and write a 2-3  page paper including the following sections.

1. Introduction: introduce the global issue (make sure it addresses the issue globally just not  focusing on the U.S.)

2. Provide background and a description on the "pro" position

3. Provide background and a description on the "con" position

4. Provide a critical analysis including possible compromises, solutions to the issue.

5. Provide a concluding paragraph.

6. Reference Page: please put references in APA format or MLA format and include in-text  citations.

The paper must be double spaced, 12 font.

Suggested position topics:

1. HIV Mandatory Testing for Pregnant Women

2. Mandatory HIV Testing in Prisons

3. Mandatory STI Partner Notification

4. Comprehensive Sex Education Programs in Schools

5. Needle Exchange Programs

6. Condom access in a specific location (prisons, schools, etc)

7. Disclosure of HIV/AIDS status in certain professions.

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Biology: Disclosureofhivaidsstatusincertainprofessions and
Reference No:- TGS0994814

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