
Disclosure of the letter of representation to shareholders


Disclosure of the Letter of Representation to shareholders

SAS No. 85, requires that an auditor obtain a management representation letter that is addressed to the auditor, and signed by members of management with overall financial and operating responsibility.

The representation letter includes :

1. management's acknowledgment of responsibility for the financial statements.

2. management believes that the financial statements are presented fairly in conformity with GAAP.

3. management made available all financial records, and all minutes of shareholders' and directors' meetings.

4. management recorded, and made available to the auditor, all transactions.

5. management disclosed, information about management or employee fraud, related party transactions, violations of laws or regulations, contingent liabilities.

6. management made available to the auditor, information about subsequent events.

Do you think this the management letter, and the answers should be made available to shareholders?

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Other Subject: Disclosure of the letter of representation to shareholders
Reference No:- TGS01898994

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