
Disciple of jesus pick out at least one passage in each

This project will include three main sections:

Section 1: A More Detailed Outline of the Gospel of Mark

This section should focus only on what is in Mark. It should be a fairly detailed outline (1-1.5 pages), but it is not to be an annotated outline, just the basic sections and subsections. Include the scripture reference for each section of the outline. Be sure to include the key historical facts about Mark in this section.

Section 2: A List and Summary of Passages that Show Mark's View of Who Jesus is and of What it Means to be a Disciple of Jesus
Pick out at least one passage in each section that shows Mark's view of who Jesus is. This could be verses that include a title for Jesus (such as Teacher or Son of God) or stories that tell of some important feature of Jesus' life. Also, pick out a verse/passage that shows something of the disciples and their relationship to Jesus (like the storm on the lake).

Section 3: Verse or Passage Listing

List the verses or passages that speak of Jesus' ministry in canonical order and with each one provide a brief summary of what Mark is saying about Jesus. Then list the verses/passages that speak of discipleship and provide a summary of what Mark is showing about being a disciple of Jesus.

This project should be 1,000-1,250 words.

Use appropriate sources for the outline (academic sources, commentaries). List the sources in your annotated reference. assignment should be according to APA Style.

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Dissertation: Disciple of jesus pick out at least one passage in each
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