
Disadvantages of operator precedence parsing

1) Design a NFA for a*|b*.

2) What do you understand by Handle Pruning?

3) Explain LR (0) items.

4) What do you understand by viable prefixes?

5) What do you understand by handle?

6) Write down the algebraic properties of regular expressions?

7) What do you mean by finite automata?

8) Write down the goals of error handler in a parser?

9) What is an ambiguous grammar? Give suitable example.

10) What do you mean by phrase level error recovery?

11) Write down the disadvantages of operator precedence parsing?

12) What do you mean by a predictive parser?

13) Remove left recursion from the following grammar

14) What do you mean by LL (1) grammar? Write down the properties of LL (1) grammar.

15) Write down the algorithm for Left Factoring a Grammar.

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Theory of Computation: Disadvantages of operator precedence parsing
Reference No:- TGS010879

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