
Disadvantages-american companies operating overseas


As part of the course requirements, you are required to write a position paper. In today's business environment, good writing is almost as important, or even more important than, public speaking. The documents that you create for your company will reflect not just on who you are as a manager, but also reflects on the company that you work for.

You must select your own topic for the position paper. The only requirement is that it must be a persuasive paper, and that it has to discuss how a law or laws influence the conduct of businesses. While this is a very broad mandate, you should choose carefully so that you will have enough information to back up the position that you take. I have mentioned the following examples in class that can be used:


(a) The Americans with Disabilities Act imposes unfair burdens on businesses to comply with.

(b) The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act disadvantages American companies operating overseas.

(c) Tort reform should be uniform in all states to lower the cost of liability to companies.

(d) The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) should/should not restrict certain types of products from being advertised.

(e) The US Tax system, using a high tax rate and worldwide taxation, puts US corporations at a competitive disadvantage with lower taxed countries.

(f) SEC disclosure requirements on publicly traded companies (ie Sarbannes-Oxley) is a necessary correction to corrupt practices or an overreach of government regulation.

(g) Bankruptcy laws are good/bad for business.

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Operation Management: Disadvantages-american companies operating overseas
Reference No:- TGS01975135

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