Disadvantage of Interviewing:
Interviewing is not free from limitations.
1.Its greatest drawback is that it is costly both in money and time.
2. The interview results are often adversely affected by interviews mode of asking question and interactions and incorrect recording and also are the respondent faulty perception faulty memory inability to articulate etc.
3.Certain types of personal and financial information may be refused in face to face interview. Such information might be supplied more willingly on mail questionnaires especially if they are to by unsigned.
4.Interview poses the problem of recording information obtained form the respondents no foolproof system is available. Note taking is invar is in variably distracting to both the respondent and the interviewers and affects the thread of the conversation.
5.Interview call for highly skilled interviewers. The availability of such persons is limited and the training of interviewers is often a long and costly process.