
Directories used as the advertising medium

Answer the following questions.

Question 1) “Media are vehicles to carry marketing communication”. Explain the truth in the statement.

Question 2) What do you understand by “Media Mix”? Justify the rationale behind efficiency of a judicious mix.

Question 3) Classify print and media and write down the merits and demerits of each type.

Question 4) What is a “Magazine”? To whom this is preferable and why?

Question 5) What are the various advertising metrics which were of interest to advertisers in TV medium? Describe their function.

Question 6) Write a detailed note on the resurgence of FM broadcast as a local medium for MSMEs.

Question 7) What is mobile advertising? Illustrate the same with your current experience. Enumerate its potential as a suitable media.

Question 8) What do you mean by ‘Directories’? How this can be used as the advertising medium? Write down the benefits and demerits.

Question 9) What is an ad campaign? How would you measure results of the ad campaign?

Question 10) Write brief notes on:

a) Reach and Frequency

b) Context sensitivity of AMUL advertisements and its media.

c) Recall and Remembrance and

d) Banner ad.

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Other Subject: Directories used as the advertising medium
Reference No:- TGS07468

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