
Directions for this assignment you will need to choose an

Assignment: Organizing Concepts and Change Principles

This assignment will assess the competency 7. Apply organizational change principles.

Directions: For this assignment you will need to choose an organization or business you are familiar with or would like to learn more about. You will be focusing on learning about the organizational structure that is being used and the driving and restraining forces.

1. Select your business and give a short description.

2. Identify which one of the 5 structural approaches the business uses. (review Exhibit 7.9 in Chapter 7)

3. The textbook lists advantages and disadvantages next to each structural approach. Is your business’ structural approach advantages and disadvantages similar to what the textbook states? Why or why not? (review Exhibit 7.9 in Chapter 7)

4. Identify a change that your selected business or organization is going through or will go through in the near future. This could be a product, technology, people, or culture change.

5. Once you have identified the change, use Lewin’s Force Field Analysis technique (Chapter 8, Exhibit 8.7) to list the driving and restraining forces for the change you identified. What were the main restraints to the needed change and what helped with the change? You may use this template to assist you with the Force Field analysis.

6. As a manager what implementation tactic would you recommend the business use?

Prepare this assignment in a Microsoft Word document using Times New Roman 12-point font, and double spaced in a 3-4 page paper. Use proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Submit this assignment to your instructor via the dropbox “Assignment: Organizing Concepts and Change Principles.” This assignment is worth 65 points and will be graded according to the scoring guide below.

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Operation Management: Directions for this assignment you will need to choose an
Reference No:- TGS02213219

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