
Direction of motion perpendicular to direction of light

A) A light source is flashing on and off having a frequency of 1 Hz. When you were to run really fast (state 80% of the speed of light), with your direction of motion perpendicular to the direction of the light, you would view the frequency of the flashing to:

i) Rise, ii) Reduce, iii) Remain the similar

B) In their common rest frame, two stars are 90.0 ly at a distance. When they appear to be 28.1 ly apart to a spaceship, determine how fast is the spaceship moving? Deduce your answer in terms of c?

i) 0.938c, ii) 0.95c, iii) 0.925c, iv) 0.911c

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Physics: Direction of motion perpendicular to direction of light
Reference No:- TGS0851081

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