
Direction and control of the disaster operations

Emergency Response Plan:

Floods, Wildfires, and earthquakes are the emergencies and disasters which could impact Riverside California. This paper will build upon the previous paper from Module which is attached. In this paper for Module you will identify the following:

1. Who will be responsible for the direction and control of the disaster operations? position or actual name of the person.

2. What are the criteria you would establish for determining the lead position during an emergency? Which person and service would be the lead, would it change depending on the type of emergency?

3. How much authority would this person have during an emergency?

4. What methods of communication would you recommend to maintain control during an emergency?

5. How many persons or what type of personnel would you allow to make independent decisions in the field?

6. In your opinion is it necessary or prudent to allow for input into the disaster management process during an emergency?

Be sure that your response is related to or applies to the types of disasters identified in the Module 1 SLP.

Note to the student: It is impractical to require that you prepare an entire Emergency Management Plan for your community as a SLP for this course.

Therefore, you should respond to the above questions in a general manner. For instance, under direction and control of the operations you should indicate who is in charge of the overall disaster and how you anticipate controlling the response to the disaster. What are your plans for life safety related to the ability of your community to respond to various levels of a disaster? The planned response is always a function of the severity of the disaster.

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Other Subject: Direction and control of the disaster operations
Reference No:- TGS01432747

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