Direct Ordering with Publishers:
Due to the inefficiency of local booksellers, many a library has resorted to the practice of directly ordering with publishers or their local representatives/dealers. This may involve a lot of paper work as far as the individual library is concerned since it involves getting drafts from banks, transmitting them to publishers, correspondence with publishers for non-receipt of documents, etc. But, once the procedures are streamlined, the problems encountered, if any, would be few in number. The difficulties one may encounter in direct ordering are in relation to import licences and foreign exchange regulations. Direct ordering with publishers in regard to periodicals is extremely advantageous vis-à-vis local vendors.
Standing Vendor Method:
Standing vendors are appointed for the supply of books and other reading materials to the library. Their selection would depend on their efficiency as well as the lowest quotations offered. The standing vendors so selected are appointed for a year or two under prescribed terms and conditions of supply. If, subsequent to their appointment, it is found that their performance is far from satisfactory, their appointments would be terminated and new ones made.