Dioscussion about deliver a discourse about raising children

Assignment Task:

Lecture Evaluation: A renowned speaker from New York has come to Denver to deliver a discourse about raising children. She begins her talk with a few anecdotes, followed by several principles which parents may use to hone their parenting skills. Her specific advice pertaining to various scenarios parents may find themselves in all begins to come together when she points out that successful parenting boils down to the children feeling loved. After drawing this conclusion by expertly tying together all the advice she had previously given, she once again becomes more specific in explaining parenting techniques motivated by love. Those in attendance, including a large group of Deaf parents who are enjoying the lecture through an interpreter, appreciate her expert counsel. Following the lecture, all are encouraged to fill in a brief lecture evaluation form. One of the questions is, "What was the main point of the lecture?" The lecturer is hoping all will write down something to the effect of, "Children need to feel loved," as every point of counsel finds its root in this basic principle. Out of the ten Deaf parents that were present, only two write down what the lecturer was expecting while others picked



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Reference No:- TGS03420757

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