
Dimensions of culture document located in this weeks

Review examples of social responsibility presented in the assigned readings from the Loeb course text.

Review "The Golden Rule" from this week's Learning Resources to identify commonalities across quotes and to determine whether any quotes align with your own values.

Complete the Cultural Genogram: Dimensions of Culture document located in this week's Learning Resources to identify personal values related to social responsibility. Consider the direct or indirect influences that may have shaped your own orientation to social responsibility.

Think of the community or communities in which you grew up. What issues of concern or needs did you see addressed directly or indirectly? What issues were not addressed? Why?

Think about circumstances in your life that might have influenced your definition of social responsibility.

Did any of your family members choose careers or activities that served the community in which they lived?

Consider the convictions you hold today that were formed early in life. Think about how they now influence the way you view social responsibility.

Bring to mind a specific socially responsible act that you would consider influential in your life.

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Reference No:- TGS02149177

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