
Dimension of structure of internal clients of institution

Question 1:

While managing private or public institutions, managers have to deal with numerous resources.

(a) Identify and in brief illustrate out these resources.

(b) Using a concrete instance describe how these resources can be handled successfully by management.

(c) Which of these resources is the most significant? Illustrate out your answer.

Question 2:

Personal attitudes can have a key bearing on how individuals function in organizations. Attitudes might reflect in either negative or positive behaviours.

A number of components can be at the basis of attitude formation.

(a) Identify and illustrate out carefully the components which contribute to attitude formation.

(b) Use a concrete instance to demonstrate your answer.

Question 3:

Using either a public or a private welfare institution recognized to you, illustrate out carefully:

(a) The components of organizational structure and

(b) Illustrate out how each dimension of structure influence the internal and external clients of institution.

Question 4:

Organizations are cooperative systems which comprise groups of people working together. They might be working in formal groups set up to accomplish defined objectives or they might be working informally.

(a) Using an institution well known to you, describe the roles and functions of the people within this formal group.

(b) Discuss and illustrate out the significance of informal groups within the institution.

Question 5:

If you were the manager of welfare institution, which leadership style would you take on? Why? Use a concrete instance to demonstrate your answer.

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Other Management: Dimension of structure of internal clients of institution
Reference No:- TGS08284

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