Use the Pen tool and Strokes to trace the linear aspects of a photo, then fill in your image with color using the Live Paint Bucket tool.
- The vector document follows file conventions
- The image is embedded into the file
- The file demonstrates consistent use of accurate smooth anchor traces with the Pen Tool IF YOU DON'T
- The pixels and vectors exist on separate layers COMPLETE
- Live Paint Bucket tool is used;
- Different line weights are used, but stroke color stays the same
- Stroke Width tool is used to vary line weight
- The file follows proper naming/file type conventions
1 Find a complex image in your DIA that is at least 1500 pixels on the shortest side.
2 *In Photoshop, make the image 5" x 5" at 300PPI (Image> Image Size, then Image> Canvas Size / Crop Tool) and make any other necessary adjustments.
3 File > Save As... create a new .JPEG file and place it on your desktop.
4 Open Illustrator, and create a new file that uses the following conventions:
A. 1 Artboard
B. 5" x 5" (Make sure you set units to inches, not pixels.)
C. No Bleed
D. Advanced > RGB, Raster = High (300PPI) (0:45)
5 Drag and drop the image on to the artboard. (0:29)
6 Embed the image. (1:38)
7 Name that layer "Pixels." (4:14)
8 Lock the Pixels layer.
9 Create a new layer and name it "Vectors."
10 Use the Pen tool to recreate as many of the lines in the image as possible (Do not add color fills yet). (0:04)
11 Use the same stroke color, but change the stroke weight. (1:22)
12 Utilize the Stroke Width tool to vary the width of your strokes. (1:19)
13 Turn off the "Pixels" layer.
14 Create a duplicate of the "Vectors" layer; name it "Live Paint." Lock the "Vectors" layer.
Optional: drag the "Vectors" layer above the "Live Paint" layer to keep custom strokes visible.
15 Make all of the drawn lines in the "Live Paint" Layer into a Live Paint Object; use the Live Paint Bucket tool to add color fills. (1:29)
16 Use the Live Selection Tool to clean up the lines of the drawing, if needed. (1:21)
17 Set the Live Paint group's stroke swatch to "none."
19 Use the Save As... command to create a new .PDF file with the following naming conventions: pen_lastname.pdf. Example: pen_fett.pdf
20 Upload BOTH the .AI and the .PDF associated with this assignment to your section's dropbox before the beginning of your lab section.
Attachment:- picture.rar