
Difficult challenges toward goal attainment


Teams consistently face difficult challenges as they navigate their paths toward goal attainment. Sometimes these challenges are external, meaning economic or environmental factors put dramatic stress on a team, making the challenges much more difficult. At other times, these challenges are internal, as the team struggles to collaborate at a high level and overcome team dysfunction. Using the theoretical foundations of team development identified in your readings, identify three team dysfunctions that might dramatically impact a team's ability to meet its objectives. Pick the three dysfunctions presented in the text that have the greatest potential to disrupt a team's flow. Explain why you selected these three dysfunctions and support your response with real-life examples or citations from a combination of scholarly journal articles (ERIC, Infoseek, and Academic Search Premier), Web site research, and traditional print resources.

From the dysfunctions discussed in your readings, identify the three that have the greatest potential to disrupt a team's ability to meet its goals. Identify at least two reactive leadership strategies a team leader can use to solve these dysfunctions if they are already exist in a team. What steps should a leader at that point take? Present your response using the example of a dysfunctional team. Support your response with citations from a combination of scholarly journal articles (ERIC, Infoseek, and Academic Search Premier), Web site research, and traditional print resources.

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Other Management: Difficult challenges toward goal attainment
Reference No:- TGS01996826

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