
Differing perspectives-african americans-american society

Discuss the below:

Major Martin Delany, c. 1865. Author: Unknown, photograph by dbking. Image retrieved from Wikimedia Commons. Discussion addresses the following outcomes:

Compare and contrast the differing perspectives on the inclusion of African Americans in American society before and after the Civil War

Create a 250 words consider the following:

Faced with discrimination in the North, Black leaders like Martin Delany called for a return to the African continent. So did some White abolitionists, who created what later became the country of Liberia in West Africa. Were such plans a realistic option for the majority of free Blacks in the United States?

Could many 19th-century free Blacks have moved to Africa and prospered, or was it merely, as Takaki dismissed it, "Nostalgia on the Niger," based on a false vision of the realities of African life?

Support your answer with references to the readings.

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History: Differing perspectives-african americans-american society
Reference No:- TGS01979963

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