
Differentiation strategies for assessments in the unit plan

Assignment Task: Differentiating instruction and assessment takes time and careful consideration. Meeting the needs of all students is difficult when not managed well. Reflecting on a unit plan prior to lesson development, you can take the necessary time to review student needs and differentiate accordingly.

Using your unit plan for tenth-grade math, focusing on multiplication, division, and fractions considering accommodations or modifications specified in an IEP or 504 plan, differentiate the instruction and assessment to meet the diverse needs of the group of students identified in Clinical Field Experience B. Review your unit plan based on discussions with your mentor teacher, student observations, and feedback from your instructor. To protect students' identities, please use pseudonyms.

Include the following in a 500-750 narrative:

Resources and materials to address the specific areas in which students need additional support (if allowed, refer to the students' IEP and/or 504 plan information).

Differentiation  strategies for instruction to meet the needs of diverse students based on data.

Differentiation strategies for assessments in the unit plan to address students' needs..

Three strategies to extend the students' learning (use each of the three models from Topic 1).

Use 2-3 scholarly resources to support your assignment.

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Other Subject: Differentiation strategies for assessments in the unit plan
Reference No:- TGS03373518

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