
Differentiating hydrostatic and hydrodynamic lubrication

Question1)a) Define Fretting wear, Explain mechanism of Fretting, Factors influencing fretting and preventive measures for Fretting

b) Explain with neat sketch Tilting pad journal bearing.

c) Differentiate between Hydrostatic and Hydrodynamic lubrication.

Question 2a) Explain Bearing materials, composition of bearing materials and Thrust bearings.

b) Derive an expression for Viscosity.

c) Explain properties of lubricants.

Question3)a) Explain with neat sketch Efflux viscometer.

b) What are the steps for wear prevention.

c) Write a short note on the current concepts of boundary friction and dry friction.

Question4)a) Explain with neat sketch lubrication and wear in Drawing and sheet metal working process.

b) Explain corrosive wear and abrasive wear.

Question5)a) Explain with neat sketch antifriction bearing and Hydrostatic thrust bearing

b) Explain the mechanism of Hydrodynamic instability.

Question6)a) Derive the Navier stokes equation.

b) Differentiate between Tribology and Terotechnology.

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Physics: Differentiating hydrostatic and hydrodynamic lubrication
Reference No:- TGS04456

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