
Differentiating guided and unguided transmission media

Question 1) Write brief notes on:

(a) Explain the function of DNS ?

(b) What do you mean by a term Socket?

(c) What are the applications of Transport layer in OSI model?

(d) What do you mean by a term SLIP?

(e) Explain the difference between analog and digital signals.

(f) What do you mean by a term SMTP?

(g) Explain the star, bus and ring topology of LAN.

(h) Define push feature of TCP.

(i) Write down the advantages and disadvantages of baseband and broadband transmission.

(j) Why CSMA/CA can’t used in wireless network?

Question 2) Describe the difference between message switching and frame relay.

Question 3) What is the difference between guided and unguided transmission media? Describe the guided transmission media and its advantages over unguided media.

Question 4) What is meaning of error control and its types? Describe in detail.

Question 5) What is FDDI? Describe its working and applications.

Question 6) What is Routers describe its working and applications?

Question 7)(a) What is error detection. Describe CRC in detail with the help of example.

(b) Describe the sliding window flow control in Detail.

Question 8) List the advantages of UDP over TCP. Describe how TCP is encapsulated in an IP datagram.

Question 9) Write a brief note on the following:

i) Bridges.

ii) HDLC and SDLC

iii) ARP and RARP protocol.

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Computer Networking: Differentiating guided and unguided transmission media
Reference No:- TGS08296

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