
Differentiating biome and community

Answer the following questions.

Question1)(a) Define the term carrying capacity.

(b) Differentiate the conceptual models for carrying capacities namely.

(i) supportive capacity

(ii) assimilative capacity

(c) Discuss “land” as a non-living resource.

Question2) (a) What do you mean by the term deforestation?

(b) Discuss how deforestation is caused due to developmental projects.

(c) Discuss the concept of sustainable development.

Question3) (a) Discuss using suitable examples how traditional agriculture in India causes soil erosion.

(b) Explain effects of urbanization on environment.

Question4) (a) Discuss the measures used to rehabilitate degraded land.

(b) Explain the treatment of hazardous wastes.

Question5) (a) Giving appropriate examples discuss the displacement and migration of human population as a consequence of developmental activities.

(b) Explain the different factors responsible for generating excess industrial wastes.

Question6) (a) In which year was the wild life (Protection) Act enacted in India?

(b) Describe the powers of this Act in conservation of wild life.

(c) Describe the role of NGOs in imparting environmental education.

(d) Explain the arid ecosystems of the India Subcontinent, the common problems that occur in them and the various points that should be taken into consideration in order to prevent or manage their desertification.

Question7) Write down the difference between the following:

(i) Environment and Ecosystem

(ii) Biome and Community

(iii) Carcinomas and Sarcomas

(iv) Emission standards and Immision standard in air quality standards

(v) α particles and β particles

Question8) (a) Draw well labelled diagrams of the following:

(i) Simplified scheme of formation of the photo chemical smog

(ii) Holistic model of individual’s social environment

(iii) Global carbon cycle

(b) Write brief notes on the following:

(i) Role of non governmental agencies and the problems faced by them in environmental protection and management

(ii) Mediatory effects of the atmosphere

(iii) Food adulteration

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Other Subject: Differentiating biome and community
Reference No:- TGS02875

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